TMM are still very worried about where that will pan out as we return to a full "risk on" mode, as numbness from recent experiences hasn’t yet worn off. The same appears to be rampant in the household sector where Joe Public has been taught that money is to be forever free and, hey, so what? With what's going down in the world he won't need it, as there may be no tomorrow.
Lets just all enjoy today while we can.
Makrofjanten uttryckte något liknande i helgen, se Eländet i Japan, tillgångspriser, QE och konjunkturen.
Just buy the fucking dip.
Caveat: Feds QE2 upphör den sista juni. Idag annonserade US Treasury att de ska sälja bostadsobligationer och agencies motsvarande USD10mdr per månad. Vad händer när Fed ska sälja obligationer för 2,35 biljoner USD? Äsch. BTFD!
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